Angel Invest Without Using Your Money, Omega Unit Appreciation Credits UAC

We know that our success is not just ours alone, but that it belongs to everyone who has contributed to making it happen. Omega Unit Appreciation Credits (UACs) is one way we reward those helping us build our community of impact-driven investors and some of the most innovative and driven entrepreneurs in the world. 

Omega Unit Appreciation Credits UAC(s)

The Omega Unit Appreciation Credits program is our phantom equity profit sharing plan that allows UAC holders to enjoy a share of Omega’s liquidity events and profits without investing in cash. It is similar to owning stock in all of the Omega companies. The more you have, the more you receive when we reach liquidity events and or distribute profits.

How it Works

Participating is easy. Omega Unit Appreciation Credits can be earned by bringing us an investment opportunity, helping us advise startups, investing in Omega or one of our companies, introducing us to someone that enrolls in one of our programs (strategic partners, investors, or entrepreneurs), and more.  

Limited Time Offer – UAC Match

Now for a limited time, anyone you introduce to us that enrolls in one of our programs will also receive Omega Unit Appreciation Credits. Your introductions receive a special bonus for enrolling through you, while you receive a larger share of UAC for helping us grow our community. Everyone wins!

Act Now   

Participating in our UAC matching program is easy. Simply email your introduction to and we will get started!  

Are you looking for funding for an idea or business, send us your stuff and we will take a look,

Are you interested in investing time or money into any of our businesses,

Are you interested in promoting your product or service to our audience, contact

Disclaimer: This is only for informational and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31